september 14, 2023

dear community & friends,

as summer turns to autumn and autumn turns to winter, sartoria creates a place to be soft. to be warm. to be cozy. it is a labour of love.

after 15 years of dedicated work, my body is asking me to shift my priorities and turn this labour of love inwards. i am writing to let you know that this upcoming autumn/winter will be sartoria's final season.

sartoria has become synonymous with care, softness, attention to detail and an unwavering commitment to reclamation, re-use and repair. i am inviting these qualities forward, to be applauded and celebrated in the garments that will comprise sartoria's last collection.

when sartoria started out, the expression 'slow fashion' had just been coined. i am proud of sartoria for being a creative force in this movement, and for existing in a steady and authentic way as an avenue for me to share ideas of resourcefulness and function. indeed it has also created a way for me to honour cashmere goats, merino sheep, shepherds, shearers and knitwear designers without whom i would not have material to reclaim. and of course, the ability to engage in this practice at all is thanks to you, for responding to my work with such care and warm heartedness.

my decision to make this upcoming season sartoria's last was not made lightly. i know I will continue to find ways to reclaim and transform materials, but i also know i need to step back from the precariousness of operating a small business which takes nearly all of my time and energy. in the past i was happy to dedicate myself to my ideals and vision for sartoria, but increasingly i cannot afford to keep it going on many levels, as so much has changed personally and globally in the past few years. we are in a climate crisis and i feel strongly that my era of being a sole proprietor has to end so i can join teams, nurture community and work together with others on the urgent issues we face.

but first, a very soft ending with a suitable amount of ritual and poetics, and opportunities for you to give sartoria a warm send-off. i invite you to be a part of sartoria's final autumn/winter collection of signature fine woolen garments, kits and special pieces befitting to this moment. i am so grateful you are here.

if you've been thinking of having something made with the softest reclaimed cashmere or merino wool, this is the moment to do it! i will customize any of the current or historical designs in the sartoria collection for you. yes, i'm bringing back the triangle scarf, the garter-belt longjohns and the full body knicks to name a few! in addition, there will be ready-made pieces available for purchase at the studio or via the website beginning on Oct 6th, organized by colour theme.

with great humility, I am asking my community to help make sartoria’s soft ending a little softer. normally at this time of year sartoria is financed by my line of credit, with autumn and winter sales providing the means to pay it off...and this year it is no different. i am hoping, with your support, we can bring this chapter to a close in an abundant way, so more of the revenues can be put towards my next steps. here are a few ways you can show some extra love:

- just your decision to have a garment custom-made and/or to purchase a ready-made piece, is a huge support to this soft ending

- you now also have the opportunity to leave a tip at checkout

thank you in advance for your considerations!

i am looking forward to the bittersweet season ahead of us. thank you to each one of you for welcoming sartoria into your world and for supporting my reclamation fascination. may the new moon hold space for you to breathe deeply and softly.
with love and gratitude,



sara torrie

ps…be sure to sign up for the newsletter to receive updates, news and event announcements on each new moon throughout our final season….